April 6, 2010

What to Do With Your Easter Eggs

If you have some Easter eggs you need to use up, you could do worse than to make this egg salad wrap out of them. The fridge was fairly empty, except for the aforementioned eggs. My husband hates hardboiled eggs, but he was so desperately hungry that he asked me to make egg salad.  He surprised himself by actually liking it.

I really don't have a recipe for this, but the general method is as follows: Take some hardboiled eggs, and using a fork, mash them up with some mayonnaise, a minuscule amount of minced onion, chopped chives (if you have them), cilantro (if you have it, or parsley), and the barest amount of smoked paprika, along with salt and pepper to taste. Serve as a sandwich or wrap in a tortilla. Lettuce and tomato are welcome additions.

As an alternative to egg salad, you could do deviled eggs. (Easter deviled eggs. Hmm. Sounds sacreligious! Or maybe just ironic.) Same concept, just slice the eggs in half lengthwise, scoop out the yolks, and mash them with the same ingredients (except smoked paprika) listed above. Spoon the yolk mixture back into the egg halves. Sprinkle the smoked paprika on top, instead of mixing it in. It looks prettier that way. (My friend served her deviled eggs with mojitos. I think I sense the beginning of a new Easter tradition. At least for the Easters when it's 80-plus degrees outside.)

One more thing: This is the last recipe I'll post for awhile in which smoked paprika is used. I know it's good, but enough already. Even I'm getting sick of it. If you are already sick of it, regular paprika is always an option when it comes to egg salad. Or even a little cayenne pepper.


Tracy said...

My Italian boyfriend had never eaten it before meeting me. Now I sneak it into his lunch every once in a while. He eats it greedily. :) Now you've got me craving egg salad, hard boiled eggs, deviled eggs...

Jenny said...

I think egg salad is often something people either love or hate. I'm on the love side, but I've had some terrible egg salad sandwiches which would have convinced me I hated egg salad had I not known better. So I get my husband's dislike, but feel gratified that my egg salad brought him over to the love side. Or at least maybe "like enthusiastically."

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